Lifestyle Supports

Lifestyle Supports

Lifestyle Supports

Posted on January 26th, 2024

In addition to supporting the immune system with food, there are a few lifestyle factors that positively impact immune functioning in the fall and winter months.


Evolution has not disposed of the time that we need to sleep, thus it is vital that we dedicate at least 7-9 hours to shut-eye during a 24-hour timeframe. While there are some individuals who genetically can operate at lower levels of shut-eye, research indicates that inadequate sleep impacts our immune system (1). Specifically, in response to decreasing shut-eye, our body’s ability to recognize foreign substances and annihilate them decreases, as does antibody production (1). Most distressingly, without adequate sleep our bodies produce inflammatory substances that increase our risk of cardiovascular disease (1).


According to the “Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,” adults need a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly plus two days of muscle strengthening activities (2). Exercise decreases our total inflammatory load making our cells work better, and it enhances our natural killer cells, which destroy invaders (3). Of note, it is important to mention that very high intensity (strenuous) exercise can actually increase our chances of infection, so it’s better to moderate our activity unless you are an elite athlete with a recovery plan.


Having enough bodily water ensures that waste is excreted, and nutrients are absorbed. Additionally, water is a component of mucous membranes, which line tissues/organs exposed to the outside elements and house a host of immune factors. Dehydration increases the risk of viral and bacterial proliferation. Finally, water is needed for immune cells to divide and proliferate – adequate hydration equals a better immune response (3). Drinking at least 6 glasses of water and more if needed, helps to support immune function, but ensure that you are not using thirst as an indicator, but rather looking at skin turgor.

Moist Air

As the weather cools, our usage of temperate regulating devices, such as furnaces, increases. Unfortunately, the use of our modern-day heating conveniences also creates a drop in relative humidity within our internal environments. This loss of moisture influences the ability of our bodies to clear viral particles and create enough mucus to support our immune cells. Studies indicate that viruses can spread more rapidly through dry air and that this type of air hampers the response of the immune system (4). Supporting air moisture either through a humidifier or even a bowl of water helps strengthen the immune response.


While acute stress can mobilize the immune system, chronic stress can actually activate dormant viruses within the body (e.g., herpes zoster) (5). Additionally, given that immune cells have docking stations for stress hormones, stress increases immune cell activity, which increases inflammation and can lead to a hyper response like autoimmunity (5). While stress is a natural response to danger and is necessary for our survival, too much stress can actually lead to worse long-term outcomes. Eliminating stress is not possible but managing it with mindful practices can help to strengthen our immunity through the dark months of fall and winter.

Both nutrients and lifestyle practices influence our body’s ability to manage the dark winter months. If you’d like more personalized nutrition or lifestyle suggestions, please make an appointment with our in-house nutritionist today.

(1) PMID: 34795404


(3) PMID: 32360589

(4) PMID: 31085641

(5) PMID: 26086030

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